Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Need Telepathic Powers

So, I mentioned in my last post that I haven't posted because I've been busy working at RadioShack.  However, I finished my last day there on Monday because come later today, provided I get some sleep at some point, I will be living 45 mins away.  That's a bit of a commute for someone without a car.  While I did enjoy it, and I was obviously grateful to have a job, I'm kind of glad to be done.  The store I worked at was not exactly overflowing with customers, and there was a lot of time spent doing, well, nothing.  However, even in my boredom, I learned a few things:
  1. If a large wall of batteries comes falling towards you it is probably smarter to catch it with your free hands instead of your ankle.  The resulting bruise is not worth the mental style points.  
  2. Some people just enjoy being unpleasant, while others can be really sweet.  I regularly had people tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about because we didn't carry a certain product, or it wasn't in stock.  Now, I admit, I do not have the brain power necessary to telepathically summon computer parts,  but that wasn't really in the job description.  I also had a person tell me that they knew someone with the same name as me that was probably a lot brighter than me.  But that guy was just rude.  On the bright side, some people are also just extremely pleasant.  I had several people get really excited just because I put batteries in their garage door openers.  So, I can't really complain about the customers.
  3. I do not have the power to telepathically summon customers just because I am bored.  Although not for lack of trying.
  4. It is really hard to act professional if a customer just caught you playing with the princess piano that's in the toy section. 
  5. On that same note, it is possible to play a passable version of Mika's Happy Ending on that same princess piano.  This is especially amusing if the keys are set to sound like bubbles instead of normal piano sounds.  
  6. Even if it feels like you know nothing about technology you can still help customers with a little pretend confidence.  
  7. If you can't reach a product you should really just get the ladder, because your much taller coworkers will laugh at you trying to jump for it.
  8. If a coworker tells you, "You can try to move the shelf if you want, but it's probably too heavy for you" The look on their face will be hilarious when you move it without a problem.  
  9. If you notice both managers watching you go to the back with evil smiles, it's probably because they installed a new door alarm and haven't told you.
I also learned lots of stuff I didn't know about technology.  Anyway, that's all.  I'm going to try to get some sleep.

Sophomore Year

So, tomorrow I am moving into Hiram College for my sophomore year of college.  I'm really excited and I think it's going to be a great year.  There's a lot of things that I am looking forward to, and a lot of goals that I have for the coming year.

First of all, I am super excited because of the dorm I am moving into.  Last year, my dorm was....interesting. Let's just say, I lived with pretty much the entire football team.  It was loud.  And not just normal, people are talking in the hallways kind of loud.  No, I'm talking people playing cornhole for four hours straight right in front of my doorway so that I couldn't go to the shower without risking a bean bag concussion.  Or, there would be screaming in the hallways at two am about some football article.  It was a little ridiculous.  Not to mention the fact that no one could understand why me and my roommate didn't want to come scream with them at 2 am.  So, they resorted to either harassing us in the hallways or talking loudly about us in front of our door.  Annoying.  But this year, I am moving into a much better dorm!  I know most of the people on our floor and I am rooming with one of my best friends!  Plus, my room is on the second floor, so I shouldn't have to worry about someone coming in my window while I'm asleep.  Oh, and Ryan, if you are reading this, you actually do what you are threatening and I will kill you.  

In addition, when I get back to campus I need to officially declare my major.  This will be my first semester of education classes and I am a little nervous.  I feel like to some extent this is going to be the test as to whether or not I made the right choice.  I also am super excited about getting the chance to train to be a writing assistant.  I love to write and I have always helped my friends with papers, but now I am going to learn how to really help people.  

I think it's going to be a really good year.  Hopefully, once everything is settled I will be able to keep this blog more updated.  I know it's been a while and I'm sorry about the lack of updates.  My life has basically consisted of packing and working at RadioShack so I just haven't had a lot to write about.  But that should change.  Anyway, that's it for now.  More posts should come soon!
